Brush ‘Em. Floss ‘Em. Swish ‘Em. Spit!
By Bill Kirk
After breakfast, grab the toothpaste.
Brush ‘em. Floss ‘em. Swish ‘em. Spit!
Clean those teeth until you’re blue faced.
Brush ‘em. Floss ‘em. Swish ‘em. Spit!
Pull some floss, then spin and twist it.
Brush ‘em. Floss ‘em. Swish ‘em. Spit!
‘Round two fingers! Almost missed it!
Brush ‘em. Floss ‘em. Swish ‘em. Spit!
Floss between your teeth is gliding.
Brush ‘em. Floss ‘em. Swish ‘em. Spit!
Up-down, back-forth, slipping, sliding.
Brush ‘em. Floss ‘em. Swish ‘em. Spit!
Slurp some water. Swish it! Swish it!
Brush ‘em. Floss ‘em. Swish ‘em. Spit!
Make a fish face. Squeeze it! Squish it!
Brush ‘em. Floss ‘em. Swish ‘em. Spit!
Morning dental duty’s finished.
Brush ‘em. Floss ‘em. Swish ‘em. Spit!
Dawn ‘til dusk—tooth health replenished.
Brush ‘em. Floss ‘em. Swish ‘em. Spit!
Dinner’s done and day’s depleted.
Brush ‘em. Floss ‘em. Swish ‘em. Spit!
Then at bedtime, fun’s repeated.
Brush ‘em. Floss ‘em. Swish ‘em. Spit!